Mona Team

Mona Team

51 posts

Meet the Artist Behind PLAY! POP! GO!: Amber Park

by Mona Team

PLAY! POP! GO! is a gamified fashion-tech ecosystem built around the core ideal of dreaming. The brand blends luxury fashion, art, and technology to encourage interaction and imagination. Amber Park, the dreamer behind the experience, is a celebrated artist who has collaborated with performers including Katy Perry, Camila Cabello, and...


by Mona Team in Product Updates

0:00/1× After listening to you, our incredible community, our incredible product team has an exciting announcement: Spatial Voice Chat is now on Mona. This means: Conversations, Livestreams, Concerts, and more… the way sound is meant to be heard. This new feature allows you to experience Mona on a...

Meet the Metadromoi, Warriors of the Metaverse

by Mona Team in VRM Avatar Collection

Beyond the veil of reality lies a world of infinite possibilities, where the fabric of space and time bends to the will of ancient digital gods. It’s a realm beyond comprehension, where dimensions collide and reality shatters. Deep in the apeiron of proto-chorismos, among the bubbles of meta-reality, a...

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