Bold Worm Clothospeculation
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Bold Worm Clothospeculation
This piece is a creative meditation on Clotho, one of the three Moiraie (fates) from ancient greek mythology who decided how long human life could be. I thought about ‘decisions’ and ‘decisiveness’ and in that state of mind, created this 3D expression of manic confusion and the excitement of relentless and energised pursuit of goals.
Collectible Type Space
Contract Address 0x2249b5a319af5dfae7fcc8004a99e59dba285c21
Token ID 118
Token Standard ERC721
Blockchain polygon
Royalties -
About the Artist
“One day creating inhabitable alternative virtual 3D realities will be like writing books and watching movies” Ozymandias is an artist and Unity developer. The Monaverse offers her a futurist praxis where she can cultivate her own worlds.
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